
This package contains classes that serve as “data types” for FHIM attributes. The FHIM data types are common, reusable structures that are often needed in healthcare applications. For example, healthcare observations often need both a numerical value and a unit of measure, such as a weight of 150 pounds. Rather than modeling the value and units of measure separately in the main model (i.e., weightValue=150, weightUnits=pounds), we have chosen to create a Physical Quantity data type which can hold both the value and the units so the main model would only have weight:PhysicalQuantity=150 pounds.

The FHIM data types are based on the HL7 Version 3 data types, but are simplified so that they might be more easily resolved into implementable specifications. Where possible, we have removed recursion from the data types, and where there are generalization relationships, the subtypes only add to the super types.

Besides the data types in this package, the FHIM only uses the basic data types defined in UML, and the properties of the data types in this package eventually all resolve to the basic UML data types. The FHIM modeling style requires that all FHIM attributes must be either a UML data type or a class contained in this Datatypes package. If a property requires any other kind of type, it is modeled as an association, not as an attribute. For example, a lab test references a Patient and a lab test code. In UML both the patient and lab test code properties could be modeled as either an attribute or an association of the lab test. Since Patient is not a FHIM Datatype, it is modeled as an association, but since the lab test is a code, which is a data type, it is modeled as an attribute. This style results in models similar in structure to HL7 models.

Note that every package in the FHIM is dependent on the FHIM Datatypes package. The FHIM Datatypes package must not be dependent on any other package. Indeed, the FHIM data types must all resolve to UML Primitives.

Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image repeat Property repeat Property repeat repeat Property Property timing_repeat Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image codeSystem Property codeSystem Property codeSystem codeSystem Property Property code_codeSystem Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Dependency Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image Generalization Polyline coordinates describing hotspot on the image reference name language expression description Expression telecom name ContactDetail url resource label kind document display citation RelatedArtifact Any upperLimit period origin lowerLimit factor dimensions data SampledData Comment Comment workflow venue user task species program gender focus age UsageContextType value kind UsageContext Comment wasValidated targetFormat sigFormat onBehalfOf data Signature dateTime comment author Annotation offset when timeOfDay dayOfWeek periodUnit periodMax period frequencyMax frequency durationUnit durationMax duration countMax count bounds Repeat event code Timing duration TimeInterval Comment url title size language hash dateCreated data contentType Image value CodeWithValue Unified Code for Units of Measure Country (ISO 3166-1) codeSystemVersion codeSystemName codeSystemId CodeSystem temp old official nickname maiden anonymous usual NameUse Comment comparator QuantityWithComparator mobile (Mobile (from FHIR)) old (Old (from FHIR)) temp (Temp (from FHIR)) WPN (Work Number) VHN (Vacation Home Number) PRS (Personal) PRN (Primary Residence Number) ORN (Other Residence Number) EMR (Emergency Number) ContactPointUse V (Vacation) SH (Shipping Address) S (Service Location) BR (Residence at birth) O (Office/Business (Work)) M (Mailing) L (Legal Address) H (Home Address) B (Firm/Business) F (Country Of Origin) BDL (Birth delivery location) N (Birth Address) BI (Billing Address) BA (Bad Address) AddressUse url phone fax email ContactPointSystem provinceOrTerritory CanadianMailingAddress denominator numerator Ratio nullFlavor value NullableBoolean value use system rank isTextMessageEnabled effectiveDateRange ContactPoint jurisdiction OtherCountryMailingAddress Unknown Unencoded Trace TemporarilyUnavailable SufficientQuantity PositiveInfinity NotAsked NotApplicable NoInformation NegativeInfinity Masked Invalid Derived AskedButUnknown NullFlavor stateOrTerritory UsMailingAddress unit TimeQuantity end start Period literal Decimal denominator numerator RateQuantity literal PointInTime high low Range unit value Quantity use initials suffix family given prefix effectiveDateRange PersonName unit MonetaryAmount postalCode country county city line3 line2 line1 use type text effectiveDateRange Address value system idType effectiveDateRange Id userSelected originalText nullFlavor displayText code Code




Name Expression
Nesting PackageFHIM
Owned Template Signature
Owning Template Parameter
Qualified NameFHIM::Datatypes
Template Parameter